Newer dark academia books point out elitism in academia; chaotic academia not only rejects it entirely, but seeks to undermine it at every turn.
Queer parents understand the queer experience more and remind young readers there is hope. The queer parents in these books do just that, like in This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron.
From affordable collapsible setups to luxury RPG tables, these DnD tables are large enough to host your next game with ease.
Online maps, stat blocks, and communities: find the best online dungeon master tools to make it easier to run your campaigns.
If you want to infuse even more bookishness into your holiday celebrations, here are some ideas for new literary traditions!
Curious about the world of bookish Discord communities? We've got a roundup of great places to hop in and find your literary kin.
Want to start reading in the sci-fi hopepunk genre? Find our guide to this sub-genre and our recommendations for the best hopepunk books!
Want to bring your Dungeons and Dragons character to life? Find artists online who can create gorgeous D&D character art!
Load up your TBR with these top 25 tiktok book recommendations, including everything from historical fiction to thriller, YA and more.
Whether you read these books in high school or are in the mood to read something familiar, these books hit different the second time.